Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Eyelift Surgery: Procedure and Recovery Time

Are you troubled with the problem of drooping or sagging eyelids? If yes, then you should know that your sight can be hindered due to these. It should be noted that if you are born with drooping eyelids, it would develop with age. Eyelid surgery, commonly known as blepharoplasty is performed by cosmetic surgeons for correcting sagging or drooping eyelids. The main aim of the surgery is to improve the look of the lower or upper eyelids providing a younger facial appearance. This eyelid surgery can be done if you have other conditions such as:
  • Fat deposits
There are fat deposits on the eyelids of some people and these make the eyelids appear puffy. With this cosmetic surgery, puffiness can definitely be removed.
  • Excess skin
Sometimes, there is excess skin on the upper eyelids that becomes very loose. Not only is contour of the upper eyelids altered, but the vision is impaired as well. However, with blepharoplasty, these issues can be easily addressed.
  • Some people have bags under their eyes. With eyelid surgery of the lower eyelids, the surgeon would address this problem.
The Eyelid Lift Procedure

A reputable surgeon would work to provide his/her patients with long lasting and natural looking results.
  • In the upper eyelid surgery, the surgeon would remove the skin, fat or muscle that is aged or loose. The puffiness in the upper eyelid can also be resolved. The surgeon would make the incision in the upper eyelid fold, so that it is not visible.
  • In lower eyelid surgery, fine wrinkles and excess skin in the lower eyelid are removed. In Transcutaneous blepharoplasty, the surgeon would make the incision below the eyelashes and this incision would be extended outwardly into the crow's feet lines. For patients having excess skin, but no excess fat, blepharoplasty is highly recommended.
Recovery from Blepharoplasty

Driving is a strict no-no for 24 hours after the surgery. This is done, so that the sedating medications leave the system. A patient may feel rather ‘laid down' after the surgery and so, he should stay home and relax completely. Cold compresses should always be applied on the eyes on the day the surgery is performed, as well as the following day. Bruising may occur, but it gets resolved within a couple of weeks. To avoid wound disruption or postoperative bleeding, strenuous activity should be avoided for at least 2 weeks. Following the surgery, the patient must take a day off from work. Depending on the severity of the condition, several days off can also be taken. After two weeks, you can easily go out in public, without concerns of being noticed.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Tummy Tuck in Connecticut

Tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is recommended if you are unable to lose fat in the abdominal area even with strict dieting or severe exercises. There are different treatment options for tummy tuck including liposuction, mini abdominoplasty, endoscopic abdominoplasty, full abdominoplasty and extended abdominoplasty. Benefit from tummy tuck in Connecticut to achieve the body shape you desire. Consult a trained plastic surgeon practicing in Connecticut to decide which procedure is best to address your particular concerns. The most popular tummy tuck surgery is that performed using the advanced Smartlipo laser device. Laser lipolysis addresses the problems related to skin, muscle and fat in the abdominal area effectively.

 Is Abdominoplasty Suitable for You?

 You can talk to the plastic surgeon about your requirements and expectations. The surgeon can assess your health conditions and discuss details regarding risk factors, cost and recovery period.

 You are a candidate for the surgery if you:

 • Have excess fat deposits and sagging skin on the abdomen
 • Enjoy good health with satisfactory body weight and
 • Have realistic expectations about the treatment

 Better stay away from tummy tuck surgery if you have heart diseases, blood related diseases and weak immunity power. Often, smoking leads to health issues and also slows down the healing process. Usually, the plastic surgeon advises to quit smoking and avoid anti-inflammatory drugs two weeks before the tummy tuck. You will also have to avoid these for the two weeks following the treatment.

 Facts about Laser Tummy Tuck

 Laser abdominoplasty performed with highly advanced Cynosure technology helps to attain effective tissue coagulation and skin tightening. Local anesthesia is provided to carry out the surgery. Pain and discomfort are minimal. The fat is melted from the designated area by means of laser energy and drained away safely. Bruising, swelling and bleeding are also minimal. Laser tummy tuck enables effective skin compression and quick recovery. Controlled energy delivery using cutting edge technologies such as SmartSense™, ThermaView™, and ThermaGuide™ also safeguards the patient from complications related to over treatment.

 Pain medication, wearing of compression garments and limited movements as part of post-operative care can ensure quick and complete recovery. After one or two weeks of rest, you can completely resume routine work. You can see comprehensive results of the tummy tuck surgery after two months.

 Ensure Tailor Made Treatment Plans

 Only an AAAASF accredited plastic surgery center can guarantee personalized treatment. Such a facility also provides the care and support of qualified plastic surgeons and other staffs. Sterile environment is another attractive feature that helps you attain your cosmetic goals without developing infections or other problems. When considering tummy tuck in Connecticut, do your research thoroughly to find a plastic surgery center with a proven track record.