Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Eyelift Surgery: Procedure and Recovery Time

Are you troubled with the problem of drooping or sagging eyelids? If yes, then you should know that your sight can be hindered due to these. It should be noted that if you are born with drooping eyelids, it would develop with age. Eyelid surgery, commonly known as blepharoplasty is performed by cosmetic surgeons for correcting sagging or drooping eyelids. The main aim of the surgery is to improve the look of the lower or upper eyelids providing a younger facial appearance. This eyelid surgery can be done if you have other conditions such as:
  • Fat deposits
There are fat deposits on the eyelids of some people and these make the eyelids appear puffy. With this cosmetic surgery, puffiness can definitely be removed.
  • Excess skin
Sometimes, there is excess skin on the upper eyelids that becomes very loose. Not only is contour of the upper eyelids altered, but the vision is impaired as well. However, with blepharoplasty, these issues can be easily addressed.
  • Some people have bags under their eyes. With eyelid surgery of the lower eyelids, the surgeon would address this problem.
The Eyelid Lift Procedure

A reputable surgeon would work to provide his/her patients with long lasting and natural looking results.
  • In the upper eyelid surgery, the surgeon would remove the skin, fat or muscle that is aged or loose. The puffiness in the upper eyelid can also be resolved. The surgeon would make the incision in the upper eyelid fold, so that it is not visible.
  • In lower eyelid surgery, fine wrinkles and excess skin in the lower eyelid are removed. In Transcutaneous blepharoplasty, the surgeon would make the incision below the eyelashes and this incision would be extended outwardly into the crow's feet lines. For patients having excess skin, but no excess fat, blepharoplasty is highly recommended.
Recovery from Blepharoplasty

Driving is a strict no-no for 24 hours after the surgery. This is done, so that the sedating medications leave the system. A patient may feel rather ‘laid down' after the surgery and so, he should stay home and relax completely. Cold compresses should always be applied on the eyes on the day the surgery is performed, as well as the following day. Bruising may occur, but it gets resolved within a couple of weeks. To avoid wound disruption or postoperative bleeding, strenuous activity should be avoided for at least 2 weeks. Following the surgery, the patient must take a day off from work. Depending on the severity of the condition, several days off can also be taken. After two weeks, you can easily go out in public, without concerns of being noticed.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Tummy Tuck in Connecticut

Tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is recommended if you are unable to lose fat in the abdominal area even with strict dieting or severe exercises. There are different treatment options for tummy tuck including liposuction, mini abdominoplasty, endoscopic abdominoplasty, full abdominoplasty and extended abdominoplasty. Benefit from tummy tuck in Connecticut to achieve the body shape you desire. Consult a trained plastic surgeon practicing in Connecticut to decide which procedure is best to address your particular concerns. The most popular tummy tuck surgery is that performed using the advanced Smartlipo laser device. Laser lipolysis addresses the problems related to skin, muscle and fat in the abdominal area effectively.

 Is Abdominoplasty Suitable for You?

 You can talk to the plastic surgeon about your requirements and expectations. The surgeon can assess your health conditions and discuss details regarding risk factors, cost and recovery period.

 You are a candidate for the surgery if you:

 • Have excess fat deposits and sagging skin on the abdomen
 • Enjoy good health with satisfactory body weight and
 • Have realistic expectations about the treatment

 Better stay away from tummy tuck surgery if you have heart diseases, blood related diseases and weak immunity power. Often, smoking leads to health issues and also slows down the healing process. Usually, the plastic surgeon advises to quit smoking and avoid anti-inflammatory drugs two weeks before the tummy tuck. You will also have to avoid these for the two weeks following the treatment.

 Facts about Laser Tummy Tuck

 Laser abdominoplasty performed with highly advanced Cynosure technology helps to attain effective tissue coagulation and skin tightening. Local anesthesia is provided to carry out the surgery. Pain and discomfort are minimal. The fat is melted from the designated area by means of laser energy and drained away safely. Bruising, swelling and bleeding are also minimal. Laser tummy tuck enables effective skin compression and quick recovery. Controlled energy delivery using cutting edge technologies such as SmartSense™, ThermaView™, and ThermaGuide™ also safeguards the patient from complications related to over treatment.

 Pain medication, wearing of compression garments and limited movements as part of post-operative care can ensure quick and complete recovery. After one or two weeks of rest, you can completely resume routine work. You can see comprehensive results of the tummy tuck surgery after two months.

 Ensure Tailor Made Treatment Plans

 Only an AAAASF accredited plastic surgery center can guarantee personalized treatment. Such a facility also provides the care and support of qualified plastic surgeons and other staffs. Sterile environment is another attractive feature that helps you attain your cosmetic goals without developing infections or other problems. When considering tummy tuck in Connecticut, do your research thoroughly to find a plastic surgery center with a proven track record.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Which Body Areas Are Ideal for Smartlipo Triplex Liposuction Procedure

Most fat-affected body areas are ideal for Smartlipo Triplex liposuction procedure. It is high-tech and offers great customization options.

 Fat Accumulation Is Universal

 It is a fact that people tend to get obese and lose that perfect image they’ve maintained in their youth due to the stress and strain of professional life. Lifestyle choices also determine the rate of fat accumulation in individuals. Fat once gained is hard to lose. Many of us have the desire to have a chiseled appearance, and not all plastic surgery modalities can deal with obesity. However, there are advanced body sculpting procedures that help to restore a youthful appearance for ideal candidates.

 Body Sculpting Opportunities with Smartlipo

 Smartlipo Triplex liposuction offers amazing body sculpting opportunities. This laser liposuction method can get rid of aesthetic issues such as jowls, bat wings, saddle bags, muffin tops, and love handles.

 Smartlipo Triplex is an advanced laser-aided lipolysis device that ensures effective fat removal in a minimally invasive manner. The effectiveness and precise targeting of the area by the laser makes Smartlipo liposuction safer and much less cumbersome when compared to conventional liposuction. Along with effective fat removal, it also facilitates skin tightening and collagen stimulation while destroying those fat cells permanently. The results begin to show almost immediately and keep improving with time.

 Technological Advancements

 Smartlipo liposuction is particularly ideal for treating areas such as the chin, face, back, thighs, abdomen, buttocks, mons pubis, knees, upper arms, hips and male breasts. The laser for this procedure is administered through the state-of-the-art Smartlipo Triplex workstation from Cynosure. It employs the Nd:YAG solid state laser emitted in wavelengths of 1064nm, 1320nm and 1440nm.

 The surgeon has the choice to combine the wavelengths through the Multiplex technology or use them independently. The versatility of the wavelengths and the ability to combine them makes the laser liposuction process a lot more effective and precise. It is perfect for procedures such as six-pack abdominal etching.

 SmartSense and ThermaGuide

 The smart technologies don’t end there. Smartlipo Triplex liposuction also employs features such as ThermaGuide and SmartSense that ensure energy is delivered in a regulated manner. This is crucial for the safety of the entire procedure. The bruising and discomfort are much less and the surgery can be performed under local anesthesia. The lesser risk and complications mean that patients can get back to their normal routine faster. There is no excessive bleeding or bruising.

 Liposuction treatment is ideal and effective for all kinds of body contouring and ambitious sculpting treatments. Almost all typical body areas are ideal for Smartlipo Triplex liposuction procedure.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Things to Look for When Considering Laser Liposuction in Connecticut 

Liposuction is a very popular plastic surgery procedure, helping men and women reduce stubborn body fat, shape up, and gain self-confidence. Advanced laser-enabled procedures can remove excess from many areas including the waist, abdomen, thighs, arms, love handles, saddle bags, face, chin, and much more. Choosing the right surgeon and place for your treatment goes a long way in determining the outcome. If you are considering laser liposuction in Connecticut, there are many things you should look for to ensure the best results.

 Liposuction Treatment in Connecticut – Important Factors

 Board-certification: Make sure that your surgery is performed by a plastic surgeon accredited by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Only a surgeon with board-certification is qualified to perform the procedure. Make sure that the plastic surgery center can ensure treatment in a safe and hygienic environment in keeping with prescribed industry standards.

 Physician’s experience: It’s not just the surgeon’s qualifications and training that you should be concerned about. It is crucial that the surgeon has vast experience in performing the liposuction surgery you are interested in. For instance, if you want abdominal liposuction, find out how many surgeries the physician has performed and if they were successful. You should try to get in touch with former patients besides examining ‘before and after’ photographs.

 Technology: Liposuction performed using advanced laser-enabled technology such as Smartlipo Triplex is the most effective. This workstation features a minimally invasive triple laser enabled cannula which can safely and effectively melt fat for aspiration. So when you are considering laser liposuction in Connecticut, ensure that the surgeon you consult is trained and experienced in using Smartlipo Triplex technology.

 Personalized solution: Your plastic surgeon should be one who understands your goals and offers the right guidance including a clear picture of the risks and benefits involved. A reliable physician is one who will listen to you, carefully evaluate whether you are a good candidate for laser liposuction treatment, and provide you with a personalized solution to achieve your specific goals.

 Cost: Laser liposuction surgery is not covered by insurance, therefore you should consider the cost of the treatment. As there are many plastic surgeons in Connecticut who offer this treatment, compare cost. However, it is important to remember that cost shouldn’t be the only factor influencing your decision. Your safety and results are important.

 Finding the Right Plastic Surgery Center

 To find the right surgical center, browse Web directories. Shortlist a two or three surgeons based on the above-mentioned factors and schedule consultations with them. This face-to-face is the ideal way to decide which surgeon and surgical facility in Connecticut can best meet your laser liposuction goals.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Liposuction and Fat Grafting - What are the Benefits

Breast augmentation with lipo transfer is gaining popularity for its safety and effectiveness. The procedure is in fact now preferred over artificial implants which could pose many problems for the patient. This minimally invasive surgery involves removing excess fat from certain areas of the body and placing this adipose tissue in the breasts to improve volume and contour. Liposuction and fat grafting has many benefits.
 Fat Transfer for Natural Looking Breasts

 Women seeking primary breast augmentation as well as those looking to rectify the defects from breast reconstruction are assured of superior results with fat grafts. Ideal candidates are women with excess fat in areas such as the abdomen and thighs. Using advanced laser liposuction technology like Smartlipo Triplex, the plastic surgeon gently removes adipose tissue from these areas. The fat is then purified and injected into the breasts. This plastic surgery procedure plumps the breasts and improves their shape and contour. One of the greatest advantages is that there are no adaptability issues as the patient’s own fat is used. A skilled plastic surgeon can correct breast reconstruction deficiencies with liposuction and fat grating.

 Liposuction Treatment Removes Unwanted Fat

 While the main intention may be to enhance the breasts, women gain an additional advantage with fat removal. Advanced laser liposuction surgery can easily and safely remove stubborn fat from the patient’s abdomen and flanks. This results in an improved body contour. Moreover, this technology also has great skin tightening effects.

 Multifarious Benefits with Liposuction-Fat Transfer

 Women gain several benefits from a lipo transfer for breast augmentation procedure:

 • Attractive breasts that look and feel natural
 • No artificial object inserted in the body
 • No issues of rejection as the patient’s own fat is used
 • Freedom from all implant-related issues such as rippling, rupture, and more
 • If young mothers, no breast-feeding difficulties
 • A well-contoured body with excess fat removed from troublesome spots
 • Safe cosmetic surgery procedure with hardly any side effects
 • No surgical cuts; only tiny incisions and injections
 • Use of local anesthesia reduces downtime
 • Quicker healing and recovery than with an invasive procedure

 The Right Plastic Surgery Center

 Liposuction and fat grafting can ensure all these benefits only if performed at the right surgical center. It’s important that the procedure is handled by a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon – one who has performed breast augmentation with fat transfer successfully for several patients. So women seeking this breast enhancement treatment should do their research well and locate an established surgical facility with plastic surgeons that are well qualified to offer this advanced surgical procedure.

Monday, July 16, 2012

What You Should Ask Your Plastic Surgeon about Smartlipo Liposuction

Smartlipo Liposuction – Excellent Results Guaranteed

 Smartlipo liposuction for fat reduction is much sought after by men and women who wish to achieve a more appealing body contour. FDA approved Smartlipo Triplex laser technology uses laser energy of three wavelengths to break down stubborn fat deposits and tighten the skin. Board certified plastic surgeons who are qualified and experienced can ensure superb body sculpting with minimal risks and negligible downtime. This article discusses what you should ask your plastic surgeon about Smartlipo Liposuction during your initial consultation.

 Smartlipo Liposuction – Know the Basics before Your Consultation

 Your plastic surgeon will provide you with all details regarding Smartlipo liposuction; all the same it is best for you to have some preliminary knowledge regarding the procedure. Smartlipo body contouring has already proven to be highly beneficial in removing excess body fat, tightening the skin and enhancing the body contour. The results you get for this cosmetic surgery depends to a great extent on the professional skills of your plastic surgeon. Talk to your general physician and ask him/her to suggest an efficient plastic surgeon. You can also search the internet or chat with your friends circle to get a list of reliable plastic surgeons in your area. Or else, the best way is to locate AAAASF accredited plastic surgery facilities having renowned plastic surgeons and trained staff. Then shortlist three or four surgeons and schedule appointments with each one. For evaluating the surgeon’s credentials and choosing a perfect plastic surgeon, it is important to learn the following from your surgeon:

 • The surgeon’s specialized experience and educational qualifications
 • Procedures involved in Smartlipo liposuction
 • Features of technology used in the surgery
 • Risk factors related to the cosmetic treatment and ways to tackle such situations
 • Certification details of the surgical facility
 • Post-operative care and recovery phase
 • Exact price for Smartlipo laser liposuction

 Don’t forget to confirm that your surgeon has adequate training in using the latest Smartlipo Triplex modality. It is a general fact that a reliable and skilled plastic surgeon gets lots of clients by referral. You can also request to see before and after photos of patients who have undergone liposuction treatment provided by the surgeon. Find out all details about the plastic surgery center and its staff, cleanliness and patient care.

 Your plastic surgeon will examine you to assess whether you are an ideal candidate for liposuction surgery. As a candidate for the procedure, you must be in good health, have adequate body weight, stubborn fat deposits that don’t yield to diet or exercise and realistic expectations about the outcome.
 Choosing the Right Plastic Surgeon

 Before you decide to have laser liposuction, think sensibly and choose the right plastic surgeon for attaining maximum aesthetic benefits from this smart technology. You must feel comfortable to discuss your entire cosmetic issues with your plastic surgeon. Therefore it is important to educate yourself regarding what you should ask your plastic surgeon about Smartlipo liposuction before scheduling a consultation.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

5 Tips on Selecting the Right Plastic Surgeon for Liposuction

Laser Liposuction to Achieve a Better Body Definition

 Cosmetic procedures such as Smartlipo liposuction or laser liposuction have earned immense popularity among men and women desiring a better body contour. The procedure is credited for its minimally invasive nature and consequent guarantee of patient safety. The sophisticated technology incorporated facilitates permanent removal of unwanted pockets of fat from various parts of your body without causing much discomfort or pain. Anyone who has a disease-free, healthy body is considered an ideal candidate for this plastic surgery. Even though no serious complications are associated with the procedure, it is necessary to select a good plastic surgeon to ensure long term, positive results. Here are 5 tips on selecting the right plastic surgeon for liposuction.

 Understanding the Need of Liposuction

 In today’s society, people are concerned about their external appearance. Both adults and teenagers are looking for an effective means to safely get rid of disproportionate body fat that tends to remain despite heavy workouts and dieting. Thankfully, cosmetic procedures such as Smartlipo liposuction come as great body contouring options. Smartlipo is a revolutionary technique that utilizes a specialized device called Smartlipo Triplex, which emits lasers of three different wavelengths to absorb fatty tissue and promote skin tightening. Body areas that can benefit through this minimally invasive cosmetic surgery are inner and outer thighs, abdomen, hips, waist, knees, buttocks, face, and chin.

 Since only local anesthesia is used during the process, recovery is quick and risks involved are minimal. However, to ensure a comfortable surgical experience, it is vital to locate an expert plastic surgeon who understands your needs.

 Ways to Choose Your Surgeon

 • Try to get referrals from your friends and family

 You can ask your friends or relatives who have already undergone liposuction surgery to recommend a good plastic surgeon.

 • Check out the experience, qualification and credentials of the surgeon

 Verify that the plastic surgeon you select has at least a couple of years experience in providing laser liposuction. It is always advisable to select board certified plastic surgeons.

 • Ensure that the surgeon provides services from an AAAASF accredited plastic surgery facility

 Make sure that your liposuction treatment is provided at an AAAASF accredited surgical facility. This is to make sure that you benefit from advanced technology, expertise of the surgeon and caring support staff.
 • Check out before and after photographs

 You can also check out the before and after photographs of patients who have undergone Smartlipo liposuction provided by the surgeon. Apart from giving you a clear idea regarding the results you can expect, you can also have more insight into the expertise of your plastic surgeon.
 • Schedule an appointment with the surgeon

 Once you gather enough information about the surgeon, schedule your first consultation. Understand everything you need to know about the treatment as well as its pros and cons. You should definitely feel comfortable talking to the surgeon and discussing your concerns. The right plastic surgeon will put you at ease, remove all your fears and prepare you for the liposuction procedure.

 These 5 tips on selecting the right plastic surgeon for liposuction should help you locate a capable surgeon with excellent surgical skills and eye for detail.